About the artist

I find deep influence from my personal internal struggle for meaning in oneself. I have been a professional creative throughout my entire career, spending the past 20 years as a designer, agency owner, and marketer. As a product of my dichotomies, mixed ethnic background, religion, environment, and socio-economic station, I continually find myself at the crossroads of examining the definition of self, searching for the who and why, and constantly questioning the now. My paintings are examples of me grappling with emotions sparked by the different versions of myself, solving for self. They are emotional explorations into thoughts and ideas that help me define and redefine the concept of myself.

I draw many creative and artistic cues from culture, nature, music, and relationships. I study the past and dissect the meaning of memories in my art, working to make sense of the emotions they evoke. Each piece carries meaning and is as abstract as the emotions and memories that guide them – part dreamlike, part psychedelic, part confusing. My interpretations of self surface as themes in some of my work; I enjoy wrestling with the different aspects of this concept in the names and content of the pieces.

Gabe Goldman resides in Seattle, Washington with his wife, three children his dog Kimo and cat Tiberius.